Lifting Out & Launching
Our various units of lifting plant allow us a great deal of flexibility when launching and recovering vessels of any kind. The yard staff are friendly, helpful and experienced in all aspects of boat handling.
As with all lifting equipment, our hoist and crane have their limits – we are always happy to contract a larger crane on site if necessary. Please contact us directly to discuss your requirements
Mast & Engine Lifts
Mast lifts: Our mobile crane allows access to the whole site for mast un-stepping / re-stepping or other similar lifts. Lifts and cranage rates vary depending on rig reconfiguration and size so please contact the office to discuss your particular requirements.
Mast electrics disconnection / re-connection can be arranged at your request.
Engine Lifts: Once fully disconnected we can lift out engines, gear boxes, fuel tanks etc.
If you require a quote or further information please complete the enquiry form at the bottom of the Boat storage page.
Car parking for owners and visitors is free.
Pressure Washing
As part of our yard services we offer a pressure washing facility. The aim is to remove weed growth and slime from the submerged hull sections and stern gear – barnacles and other crustacea may resist and require manual scraping, which can be carried out as an additional service if required. Please advise us of any especially delicate areas of the hull to avoid accidental damage.
The Chandlery and Reception
In our Chandlery we supply leading brands at competative prices. We are open for business 7 days a week. Mon – Fri 9a.m – 5p.m Sat & Sun 9.30a.m – 4.00pm. If you are unable to find a product on the shelves our customer friendly staff will be happy to assist you. We can order the required items, take delivery and contact you once received (payment would be required at placement of order)
We will be closed for 10 full days over the Christmas period, during which time there will be no yard access at all. We carry out security checks regularly.
Ian Bowles Boatwright
Totnes Self Store
Totnes Self Store (a division of Baltic Wharf Ltd) provides container storage in 10′ & 20′ containers (640cu’ x 1280cu’ respectively). Ideal for Devon storage, temporary self store and storage during house moves or simply just to de-clutter, suitable for spare stock or archiving.
Workshops / office space available.
Marine trade only, ideally suited for marine engineering & yacht sales/brokerage
Martin Fletcher
Yard Manager
Baltic Wharf Boatyard
Office – 01803 867922
Mobile – 07494 434020